Stock Code: 833200

GTM seawater flow ice machine will bloom everywhere in South Korea

At the luncheon with members of the Korean parliament yesterday, Dr. Bian, our Korean agent, introduced GTM binglige's seawater flow ice machine in detail, and mentioned the interview report on the application of flow ice in supermarkets by Korean TV station. The South Korean government decided to purchase 100 sets for nationwide application in the first phase.


Good product, no need to say more! Witness strength with quality!

The application scope of binglige seawater flow ice

Our company's latest research and development of sea ice machine (flow ice) is now playing a better and more perfect role in the marine fishing industry. At present, sodium pyrosulfite is usually used to solve the preservation problem of marine shrimp, but it is a kind of food additive, which is easy to decompose when exposed to moisture, and easy to oxidize when exposed to the air. If you often eat products containing such additives, it will cause adverse effects on human health. However, after using liquid ice, it can make marine products keep fresh completely, which directly solves the preservation problem from the warehouse to the dining table, and has some advantages To ensure food safety effectively. The use of liquid ice in large supermarkets and hotels can save the cost of ice purchase, storage cost and inconvenience during transportation. It is not only fresh-keeping but also environmental protection, saving time and money.